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Stay abreast of Sustainable Finance developments thanks to the herafter monthly newsletter from Natixis Green & Sustainable Hub. It is freely accessible (not MIFID research). We proposes you an editorial, market intelligence, highlights on innovative deals, product innovation, investors' announcements, regulation and industry led-initiatives. From time to time, content specific to Americas and APAC will be proposed. Finally, our latest publications and next events are tagged.  

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Our analysis and opinion on a topic of a mounting importance related to market trends, product innovation or new regulation. 

EFRAG and CSRD: why you are going to hear (more) about it

04 Nov 2022

In 2021, the European Financial Reporting Advisory Group (EFRAG), the European public-private advisory group on financial reporting, has been charged by the ...


Market data with fast facts summary of the month (by instruments, issuer /borrower type, by region, currency,) as well as highlights on transactions with innovative features  (structuring, execution, reporting) 

Euro GSSS Bond Market: evolutions, trends and novelties

04 Nov 2022

Euro GSSS (Green, Social, Sustainability and Sustainability-linked) issuances, all type of issuers combined, reached EUR 255 bn by the end of September. This...


Our selection of investors' latest announcements (ESG integration, green investment, engagement, etc.). 

ESG Analysis of the Banking sector: From G to E?

10 May 2023

Evaluation by investors of Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) practices before investing or financing a company has become mainstream. The banking se...

ESG integration in private debt: Towards Data Template Convergence?

08 Feb 2023

In our July 2022 article entitled, “ESG integration in private debt, challenges and opportunities”, we discussed the rise of the private debt ma...


Public policies initiatives around sustainable finance, incl. legislative process, research, advocacy, etc.

The Green Claims Directive proposal: the EU arms up against greenwashing

10 May 2023

The European Commission (EC) has prompted surprise with the publication of a Green Claims Directive proposal[1] in the end of March 2023. Despite our forecas...

EUGBS: hurrah a political agreement… but no legislative transcription details yet

10 May 2023

After months of political dead-end[1], market participants were relieved by the political agreement concluded between the Council and the Parliament on the E...


Latest reports or materials, especially from our Center of Expertise (CoE).

TEG 101 - EU Taxonomy of sustainable activities

Water economy: deciphering the challenges, financing the opportunities

Archives & search engine

By keywords (ex: "TEG", "brown industries") or month (ex: March 2020)  to find out content in our archives 


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