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Market watch

Republic of Benin’s trailblazing €500m 12,5-Y inaugural issuance under its new SDG Bond Framework

28 Jul 2021
13 min.

11-minute read
On July 15th, 2021 Benin successfully launched its inaugural Sustainable Development Goals Bond (“SDG Bond € 500 million 12.5 years”). It represents a landmark transaction in the ...

BPCE issues €100 million of transition bonds, invested by AXA IM

14 Jan 2021
1 min.

2-minute read
BPCE issued in December its first EUR 100 million Transition Bond 100% subscribed by AXA Investment Managers (AXA IM), refinancing Natixis’ assets contributing to the energy transi...

German sovereign innovates with its Bund’s inaugural green twins

24 Sep 2020
4 min.

The massive investors’ appetite for Green Bonds was once again illustrated with the German Federal government inaugural Green Bond issuance. The EUR6.5 bn German sovereign Green Bond transaction l...

Market overview of Covid-19 Responses-related Bonds

30 Apr 2020
2 min.

The Covid-19 crisis has had severe implications across the world to date and represent significant challenge to the economy. During such an unprecedented time, governments, agencies, financial in...

Best in universe ESG method outperforms best in class in the Covid 19 crisis

08 Apr 2020
6 min.

Against the background of the Covid 19 crisis, ESG (Environment, Social and Governance) stocks proved to be a little less vulnerable than the rest of the universe. But there are many concurring ES...

Green, Social & Sustainability Bonds Market

02 Mar 2020
< 1 min.

Our active coverage universe is focused on Green bonds issuances above USD 200m outstanding which meet the minimal requirement to be, in our mind, called "green bonds", that is to say: targeted us...

Displaying all 6 Article