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Sustainable finance

Société des grands projets issues €1 billion with its new green framework aligned with EU Taxonomy Climate objectives

06 May 2024
6 min.

On February 10th, 2024, The Société des grands projets (formerly known as Société du Grand Paris) successfully issued a EUR 1 billion Green Bond, marking the...

2024 horizons

31 Jan 2024
19 min.

While it’s still time, the Green & Sustainable Hub (GSH) of Natixis CIB is delighted to present its best wishes for 2024 and share insights on the 5 majo...

Industrial bank of Korea (“IBK”) successfully issued a US$600m 5-year Gender Equality themed Social Bond with a focus on women empowerment

12 Dec 2023
5 min.

On September 21, 2023, the Industrial Bank of Korea issued a US$600m 5-year gender equality themed social bond. Natixis acted as Active Joint Bookrunner an...

Natixis acted as Co-Green Loan Coordinator for the first post-IRA large renewable energy transaction in the United States

12 Dec 2023
1 min.

IRG Acquisition Holdings (IRGAH), a partnership between Invenergy, a leading privately held developer, owner, and operator of sustainable energy solutions, C...

2023 Sustainability Linked Bond Principles Updates

12 Dec 2023
3 min.

Executive Summary
On June 26th, 2023, the International Capital Markets Association (ICMA) issued an updated version of the Sustainability-Linked Bond Pr...

ICMA Principles: Climate Transition Finance Handbook gets its first update

07 Sep 2023
3 min.

On June 22nd, International Capital Markets Association (ICMA) Principles released an updated version of the Climate Transition Finance Handbook (CTFH) – it’...

Transition plan stocktaking from the NGFS

06 Sep 2023
5 min.

Around 42% of micro-prudential authorities worldwide have already started or plan to engage with financial institutions on transition plans, says a recent re...

Commercial Bank of Dubai’s inaugural $500mn 5-yr Green Bond issuance

05 Sep 2023
3 min.

Commercial Bank of Dubai successfully returns to the senior unsecured $ bond market with its inaugural $500mn 5-yr Green Bond issuance. On Monday June 5th, t...

Social bonds: easy come and easy go?

10 May 2023
24 min.

The fate of Social Bonds was the topic of a panel at Environmental Finance’s ESG in Fixed Income event on April 17th. “Social bonds, could they die on our ...

LMA’s update on GSSL principles and guidance: towards convergence with ICMA?

10 May 2023
9 min.

On Thursday 23rd February 2023, the Green Loan, Social Loan and Sustainability-Linked Loan Principles and related Guidance have been updated by the Loan Mark...

Market Insights from Enel’s updated Sustainability-Linked Bond Framework

10 May 2023
8 min.

Introduction to Enel’s latest Sustainability-Linked Bond issuance and updated Framework
On February 14th, 2023, Enel launched a dual-tranche “Sustainability-...

Renew Power US$1bn Green Loan: “round-the-clock” hybrid power project financing

08 Feb 2023
2 min.

Renew Power has successfully closed a US$985m-equivalent Green Loan to finance round-the-clock renewable energy projects in the States of Rajasthan, Maharash...

Displaying Article 1 - 12 of 20 in total