In the field of climate action, the past few months have been marked by major statements by Europe’s largest integrated Oil & Gas groups (BP, Eni, Repsol, Shell and Total). From Repsol last De...
In the field of climate action, the past few months have been marked by major statements by Europe’s largest integrated Oil & Gas groups (BP, Eni, Repsol, Shell and Total). From Repsol last De...
A new chapter of history textbooks is being written in Europe and the pen could be green and social. The once politically inconceivable measures could become a reality. Taboos fall one after anot...
"Greening" economic recovery plans is becoming a mantra. One of the latest calls came from the EU Technical Expert Group on Sustainable Finance (TEG). It argues that the Taxonomy, EU Green Bond St...
The COVID-19 pandemic mutates into a multi-faceted crisis. Its duration, scope and consequences are hardly predictable. Its frenetic propagation has led to an unprecedented mix of coercion and ec...
- 4-minute read -
The global issuance of green bonds is expected to soar to USD 300 billion in 2020 according to Moody’s market intelligence estimate (available here), while the Climate Bonds In...