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Natixis acted as Co-Green Loan Coordinator for the first post-IRA large renewable energy transaction in the United States

12 Dec 2023
1 min.

IRG Acquisition Holdings (IRGAH), a partnership between Invenergy, a leading privately held developer, owner, and operator of sustainable energy solutions, C...

EUGBS: hurrah a political agreement… but no legislative transcription details yet

10 May 2023
8 min.

After months of political dead-end[1], market participants were relieved by the political agreement concluded between the Council and the Parliament on the E...

Renew Power US$1bn Green Loan: “round-the-clock” hybrid power project financing

08 Feb 2023
2 min.

Renew Power has successfully closed a US$985m-equivalent Green Loan to finance round-the-clock renewable energy projects in the States of Rajasthan, Maharash...

SUEZ issued its inaugural €2.6bn Green Bond, unprecedented deal in the sector

03 Jun 2022
2 min.

2 - minute read

Natixis acted as Global Coordinator and Sole Green Structurer for the issuance of EUR 2.6 bn triple tranches Green Bond devoted to refinance part of Suez acquisition , the largest...

A world's first for France and its €4bn green inflation-linked bond (OAT€i)

03 Jun 2022
3 min.

3 - minute read
Natixis acted as Joint Bookrunner for the issuance of a long 15yr Inaugural Green Inflation- Linked Bond for the Republic of France [1]
On May 25th, France treasury (Agence Franc...

The New Geography of Taxonomies

04 Oct 2021
2 min.

Updated in August 2023
In the field of sustainable finance, guidelines and standards are the bedrock of product design and market integrity. Private investing and funding strategies need anchorin...

The Next Big Challenge: Greening the Belt and Road Initiative

08 Mar 2018
1 min.

The Belt and Road (B&R) is China’s multi-billiondollar connectivity initiative across Eurasia and Africa. It spans nearly 70 countries, accounting for a third of global GDP, and will be th...

Displaying all 7 Article