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Social bonds

Industrial bank of Korea (“IBK”) successfully issued a US$600m 5-year Gender Equality themed Social Bond with a focus on women empowerment

12 Dec 2023
5 min.

On September 21, 2023, the Industrial Bank of Korea issued a US$600m 5-year gender equality themed social bond. Natixis acted as Active Joint Bookrunner an...

Social bonds: easy come and easy go?

10 May 2023
24 min.

The fate of Social Bonds was the topic of a panel at Environmental Finance’s ESG in Fixed Income event on April 17th. “Social bonds, could they die on our ...

ESG integration in Leverage Finance: where do we stand?

25 Jun 2021
1 min.

Until recently, the lack of available, reliable, and comparable data for HY corporates has delayed the incorporation of ESG factors in the HY bond asset class. However, according to S&P, from t...

The Art of Social Bond Impact Reporting

16 Jun 2021
2 min.

In Sustainable Finance, social issues have long been addressed through the lenses of risk factors and minimum safeguards. Conversely, Use-of-Proceeds Social Bonds focus on the contribution to adequ...

Unédic issued the two largest social bonds ever in the midst of the covid-19 crisis

12 Jun 2020
3 min.

Unédic issued its inaugural EUR4bn Social Bond (Nov-2026 OAT+36) on May 15, 2020, which represented the largest social bond ever issued worldwide for any type of issuer. On June 10th, the Agency i...

Covid-19 crisis in Europe: a midwife for a federalist green & social leap forward

12 Jun 2020
18 min.

A new chapter of history textbooks is being written in Europe and the pen could be green and social. The once politically inconceivable measures could become a reality. Taboos fall one after anot...

Market overview of Covid-19 Responses-related Bonds

30 Apr 2020
2 min.

The Covid-19 crisis has had severe implications across the world to date and represent significant challenge to the economy. During such an unprecedented time, governments, agencies, financial in...

Is Social Bond format / Principles fit for Covid-19 crisis related expenditures?

15 Apr 2020
< 1 min.

SRI investors are reshaping their sustainability-themed investment strategies in facing the crisis, some of them specifying response to Covid-19 must be done in alignment with the SDGs. Issuers (ma...

Investors’ actions and appetite for social bonds in response to Covid-19

08 Apr 2020
5 min.

The sanitary Covid-19 crisis has affected, since its start, all parts of the economy, and financial markets. A response to the Covid-19 crisis is arising from the world of sustainable finance from...

Covid-19: a new (sustainability) model in the making ?

08 Apr 2020
2 min.

The COVID-19 pandemic mutates into a multi-faceted crisis. Its duration, scope and consequences are hardly predictable. Its frenetic propagation has led to an unprecedented mix of coercion and ec...

From little drops to groundswell, emerging markets bonds on the path to sustainable finance

10 Mar 2020
5 min.

- 4-minute read -
The global issuance of green bonds is expected to soar to USD 300 billion in 2020 according to Moody’s market intelligence estimate (available here), while the Climate Bonds In...

Green, Social & Sustainability Bonds Market

02 Mar 2020
< 1 min.

Our active coverage universe is focused on Green bonds issuances above USD 200m outstanding which meet the minimal requirement to be, in our mind, called "green bonds", that is to say: targeted us...

Displaying all 12 Article