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Net zero

European O&G Groups: actively trending towards electric utilities’ business models?

12 Jun 2020
2 min.

In the field of climate action, the past few months have been marked by major statements by Europe’s largest integrated Oil & Gas groups (BP, Eni, Repsol, Shell and Total). From Repsol last De...

European oil & gas groups: actively trending towards electric utilities’ business models?

09 Jun 2020
11 min.

Summary:  Europe’s prominent Oil & Gas groups (BP, Eni, Repsol, Shell and Total) made major announcements in the field of climate change slightly before and after the Covid-19 crisis broke out....

Net Zero Asset Owners Alliance first step towards fulfilling its commitment

30 Apr 2020
2 min.

The Net Zero Asset Owners Alliance (NZAOA) recently issued a call for comment to respond to the urgent need to align carbon neutrality methodologies.
Launched in early 2019, the NZAOA gathers a s...

BP sets ambition for net zero emissions by 2050

26 Feb 2020
2 min.

Following the appointment of Bernard Looney appointment as its new CEO, BP has joined the league of other oil companies with bold climate action ambitions. Its “net zero ambition” released on Febr...

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