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July 2021

Generali issued the first ever Green Cat Bond

29 Jul 2021
1 min.

1-minute read 
The first ever Green Cat Bond
Generali successfully priced last June 25, 2021 a € 200m Catastrophe Bond (“Lion III Re DAC Notes”)[1]. This is the first ever Green Cat Bond sponsor...

Latest edition of the Global Sustainable Investment Review confirms strong growth of ESG assets all over the world

29 Jul 2021
7 min.

7-minute read
In July 2021, the Global Sustainable Investment Alliance[1] (GSIA) published its fifth Global Sustainable Investment Review (GSIR) biennial report[2]. GSIA was founded back in 2010...

Fit for 55: bringing EU’s decarbonisation efforts to the next level

29 Jul 2021
24 min.

21-minute read
On 14 July, the European Commission adopted a set of 13 proposals, the so-called “Fit for 55 package”, to make the EU's climate, energy, transport and taxation policies commensura...

Repsol successfully issued its inaugural sustainability-linked bond

29 Jul 2021
2 min.

2-minute read
Following November’s 2020 release of Repsol’s 2021-2025 Strategic Plan, on June 14, the company has presented its innovative, comprehensive, and overarching “Transition Financing F...

Launch of the long-awaited China’s National ETS market: a decisive milestone

29 Jul 2021
8 min.

8-minute read
After a decade of preparation and repeatedly delayed launch, China’s national Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS) officially made its debut on July 16, 2021. The national ETS market clo...

European Central Bank’s historic pledge on climate

29 Jul 2021
9 min.

8-minute read 
The European Central Bank (ECB) has been under increased pressure from civil society and politicians to take action on climate change[1]. Sign of the acceleration that we are witn...

Sustainable Taxonomy development worldwide: a standard-setting race between competing jurisdictions

29 Jul 2021
10 min.

9-minute read
On July 12, the Platform on Sustainable Finance published two draft reports about a social taxonomy proposal and an extension of the current green taxonomy to significantly harmful...

A fury of Sustainable Finance announcements in the European Union

29 Jul 2021
19 min.

In July, a multitude of legislative proposals and strategies related to sustainable finance have been announced by the European Commission and the European Central Bank...

Republic of Benin’s trailblazing €500m 12,5-Y inaugural issuance under its new SDG Bond Framework

28 Jul 2021
13 min.

11-minute read
On July 15th, 2021 Benin successfully launched its inaugural Sustainable Development Goals Bond (“SDG Bond € 500 million 12.5 years”). It represents a landmark transaction in the ...

Displaying all 9 Article