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European Commission’s Renewed Sustainable Finance Strategy: broader and deeper

30 Apr 2020
7 min.

The European Union has not shown any slack in its drive for a more sustainable financial system in spite of the Covid-19-related crisis. In the search for solutions and new regulatory measures th...

Carbon offsetting from aviation: another victim of Coronavirus?

30 Apr 2020
2 min.

Corsia, the Carbon Offsetting and Reduction Scheme for International Aviation, is a voluntary carbon offsetting scheme developed International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), coming into force...

Covid-19 economic crisis: heated debate about public support’s conditionality

30 Apr 2020
7 min.

"Greening" economic recovery plans is becoming a mantra. One of the latest calls came from the EU Technical Expert Group on Sustainable Finance (TEG). It argues that the Taxonomy, EU Green Bond St...

Market overview of Covid-19 Responses-related Bonds

30 Apr 2020
2 min.

The Covid-19 crisis has had severe implications across the world to date and represent significant challenge to the economy. During such an unprecedented time, governments, agencies, financial in...

Is Social Bond format / Principles fit for Covid-19 crisis related expenditures?

15 Apr 2020
< 1 min.

SRI investors are reshaping their sustainability-themed investment strategies in facing the crisis, some of them specifying response to Covid-19 must be done in alignment with the SDGs. Issuers (ma...

Green hydrogen at heart of EU’s energy transition

08 Apr 2020
2 min.

Last 11 March, the European Commission (EC) announced it would review State aid rules and launch a project to produce clean hydrogen to replace fossil fuels to help European firms maintain a compe...

Best in universe ESG method outperforms best in class in the Covid 19 crisis

08 Apr 2020
6 min.

Against the background of the Covid 19 crisis, ESG (Environment, Social and Governance) stocks proved to be a little less vulnerable than the rest of the universe. But there are many concurring ES...

French market authority issues a first set of requirements to control sustainable funds communication

08 Apr 2020
1 min.

In a context of strong growth of sustainable investment funds and a few months after the setup of a dedicated sustainable finance commission, the French AMF (Autorité des Marchés Financiers) has m...

Aviation and coronavirus: what future for environmental measures?

08 Apr 2020
2 min.

While the temporary halt of air traffic brings some immediate environmental benefits in terms of reduced greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and other forms of air pollution related to flying, the long...

Investors’ actions and appetite for social bonds in response to Covid-19

08 Apr 2020
5 min.

The sanitary Covid-19 crisis has affected, since its start, all parts of the economy, and financial markets. A response to the Covid-19 crisis is arising from the world of sustainable finance from...

Covid-19: a new (sustainability) model in the making ?

08 Apr 2020
2 min.

The COVID-19 pandemic mutates into a multi-faceted crisis. Its duration, scope and consequences are hardly predictable. Its frenetic propagation has led to an unprecedented mix of coercion and ec...

EU Taxonomy of green activities: final report from the TEG to the EU Commission released

08 Apr 2020
3 min.

On March 9th, the Technical Expert Group on Sustainable Finance (TEG) published its final reports to the EU Commission on the Green Taxonomy. 3 documents were released: the “Taxonomy: Final report...

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