9-minute read
On July 12, the Platform on Sustainable Finance published two draft reports about a social taxonomy proposal and an extension of the current green taxonomy to significantly harmful...
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9-minute read
On July 12, the Platform on Sustainable Finance published two draft reports about a social taxonomy proposal and an extension of the current green taxonomy to significantly harmful...
In July, a multitude of legislative proposals and strategies related to sustainable finance have been announced by the European Commission and the European Central Bank...
11-minute read
On July 15th, 2021 Benin successfully launched its inaugural Sustainable Development Goals Bond (“SDG Bond € 500 million 12.5 years”). It represents a landmark transaction in the ...
Until recently, the lack of available, reliable, and comparable data for HY corporates has delayed the incorporation of ESG factors in the HY bond asset class. However, according to S&P, from t...
7-minute read
On May 7, 2021, the EU Commission published a call for public feedback on the contemplated content, methodology and presentation of the information that companies will have to dis...
6-minutes read
Last week was marked by the publication by the International Energy Agency (IEA) of its net zero emissions (NZE) scenario for 2050, with some of the findings, such as the fact it ...
30-minute read
On May 26th, the District Court of The Hague in the Netherlands ruled that Royal Dutch Shell (“RDS”) must curtail its scope 1 to 3 global carbon emissions by net 45% by 2030 compa...
3-minutes read
The Autorité de Contrôle Prudentiel et de Régulation (ACPR), the French banking and insurance supervisory body, released early May the results of its first pilot climate stress te...
20-minute read
The 53-page Draft Report on “Social Taxonomy” from the Sustainable Finance Platform Subgroup recently leaked. To our great surprise, it offers an already sophisticated approach a...
In Sustainable Finance, social issues have long been addressed through the lenses of risk factors and minimum safeguards. Conversely, Use-of-Proceeds Social Bonds focus on the contribution to adequ...
4-minute read
On April 22 and 23, a virtual Leaders Summit on Climate gathering 40 world leaders took place at the initiative of the US President. On this occasion, some of them announced new cl...
11-minute read
Momentum is building regarding the topic of the “Just Transition.” Regulators, investors and issuers alike seem to take into account the negative social consequences the transitio...