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Articles publiés par Cédric Merle

Release of our study the New Geography of Taxonomies

30 Sep 2021
5 min.

4-minute read
Following our recent article “Sustainable Taxonomy development worldwide: a standard-setting race between competing jurisdictions” (July 2021), we have just released our dedicated ...

Covid-19 crisis in Europe: a midwife for a federalist green & social leap forward

12 Jun 2020
18 min.

A new chapter of history textbooks is being written in Europe and the pen could be green and social. The once politically inconceivable measures could become a reality. Taboos fall one after anot...

Covid-19 economic crisis: heated debate about public support’s conditionality

30 Apr 2020
7 min.

"Greening" economic recovery plans is becoming a mantra. One of the latest calls came from the EU Technical Expert Group on Sustainable Finance (TEG). It argues that the Taxonomy, EU Green Bond St...

Covid-19: a new (sustainability) model in the making ?

08 Apr 2020
2 min.

The COVID-19 pandemic mutates into a multi-faceted crisis. Its duration, scope and consequences are hardly predictable. Its frenetic propagation has led to an unprecedented mix of coercion and ec...

Mexico’s SDG Bond Framework: a two-fold eligibility and unique governance

02 Mar 2020
4 min.

- 3-minute read -
The Federal Government of Mexico released on February 21 its “SDG Sovereign Bond Framework”. It has mandated BNP Paribas, Credit Agricol...

EU Taxonomy - reminder on who, what and when

26 Feb 2020
2 min.

Following the political agreement  last December between the European Parliament and the Council, the Regulation on “the establishment of a framework to facilitate sustainable investment”, the so-c...

Brown industries: the Transition Tightrope

07 Jan 2020
2 min.

Climate finance will fail in its mission if it continues to leave high emitting industries on its sidelines but a robust approach is necessary. During the whole of 2019, Natixis Green & Sustai...

1st "conseil de défense écologique" announcement

28 May 2019
6 min.

Authors: Cédric Merle, Dominique Blanc, Radek Jan
Green & Sustainable
Finance Watch
1st "conseil de défense ecologique" announcement, incl. the creation of "France Transition Ecologique"...

The Next Big Challenge: Greening the Belt and Road Initiative

08 Mar 2018
1 min.

The Belt and Road (B&R) is China’s multi-billiondollar connectivity initiative across Eurasia and Africa. It spans nearly 70 countries, accounting for a third of global GDP, and will be th...

Displaying all 9 Article