4-minute read
Following our recent article “Sustainable Taxonomy development worldwide: a standard-setting race between competing jurisdictions” (July 2021), we have just released our dedicated ...
4-minute read
Following our recent article “Sustainable Taxonomy development worldwide: a standard-setting race between competing jurisdictions” (July 2021), we have just released our dedicated ...
A new chapter of history textbooks is being written in Europe and the pen could be green and social. The once politically inconceivable measures could become a reality. Taboos fall one after anot...
"Greening" economic recovery plans is becoming a mantra. One of the latest calls came from the EU Technical Expert Group on Sustainable Finance (TEG). It argues that the Taxonomy, EU Green Bond St...
The COVID-19 pandemic mutates into a multi-faceted crisis. Its duration, scope and consequences are hardly predictable. Its frenetic propagation has led to an unprecedented mix of coercion and ec...
- 3-minute read -
The Federal Government of Mexico released on February 21 its “SDG Sovereign Bond Framework”. It has mandated BNP Paribas, Credit Agricol...
Following the political agreement last December between the European Parliament and the Council, the Regulation on “the establishment of a framework to facilitate sustainable investment”, the so-c...
Climate finance will fail in its mission if it continues to leave high emitting industries on its sidelines but a robust approach is necessary. During the whole of 2019, Natixis Green & Sustai...
Authors: Cédric Merle, Dominique Blanc, Radek Jan
Green & Sustainable
Finance Watch
1st "conseil de défense ecologique" announcement, incl. the creation of "France Transition Ecologique"...
The Belt and Road (B&R) is China’s multi-billiondollar connectivity initiative across Eurasia and Africa. It spans nearly 70 countries, accounting for a third of global GDP, and will be th...