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June 2022

Extended Taxonomy: acknowledging “in betweenness” to soften elitism

03 Jun 2022
7 min.

6 - minute read
The Platform’s March 2022 recommendations on extending the Taxonomy [1] are timely and meaningful but unlikely to be politically endorsed [2]. Nonetheless, market participants m...

The EU Green Bond Standard: intense negotiations on instrumental aspects

03 Jun 2022
11 min.

10 - minute read
Executive Summary
Proposed by the European Commission on July 6th, 2021[1], the final negotiation phase of the European Green Bond Standard (EU GBS) has begun but several conten...

Navigating the sea of proposed climate-related disclosures: A deep dive into the SEC’s, ISSB’s and EFRAG’s proposals

03 Jun 2022
24 min.

20 - minute read

Executive summary
On March 21st, 2022, the American financial watchdog, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), proposed rule changes that would require registrants [1] to ...

Changing investors' perceptions on nuclear in the midst of the war in Ukraine and Taxonomy inclusion

03 Jun 2022
6 min.

5 - minute read
The non-objection period to blockade the Complementary Delegated Act (CDA) on gas and nuclear [1] presented on February 2nd, 2022, will expire by August 2022.

SCI Lamartine successfully issued its €500 10-yr inaugural Green Bond issuance dedicated to energy-efficient housing

03 Jun 2022
5 min.

4 - minute read

Natixis acted as Global Coordinator and Green Structuring Advisor and active Bookrunner for the issuance of €500 million inaugural Green Bond.
On Thursday 14th April, SCI Lamarti...

Sanofi successfully issued its €650m inaugural sustainability-linked bond issuance

03 Jun 2022
2 min.

2 - minute read
Natixis acted as Global Coordinator and Sustainability Structuring Advisor for Sanofi’s inaugural sustainability-linked bond issuance.
On Wednesday March 30th, Sanofi, the French...

Pernod Ricard successfully issued its €750m inaugural sustainability-linked bond issuance

03 Jun 2022
2 min.

1 - minute read
Natixis acted as Global Coordinator and Sole Sustainability Structuring Advisor for the issuance of €750 million inaugural Sustainability-Linked Bond.
On Thursday March 31st,  P...

Displaying all 7 Article