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You are on the Green & Sustainable Hub website, part of Natixis CIB.


Insightful benchmark of climate and fossil fuels practices of French financial institutions and corporates by the AMF and the ACPR

20 Jan 2022
12 min.

10-minutes read
Last December, the French financial watchdogs have released two reports delving into the climate change related commitments, disclosure, and actual actions of French corporates, ...

Generali issued the first ever Green Cat Bond

29 Jul 2021
1 min.

1-minute read 
The first ever Green Cat Bond
Generali successfully priced last June 25, 2021 a € 200m Catastrophe Bond (“Lion III Re DAC Notes”)[1]. This is the first ever Green Cat Bond sponsor...

Climate stress test: banks and insurers must act now says French regulator

16 Jun 2021
4 min.

3-minutes read
The Autorité de Contrôle Prudentiel et de Régulation (ACPR), the French banking and insurance supervisory body, released early May the results of its first pilot climate stress te...

Displaying all 3 Article