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In October 2021, the International Development Finance Club (IDFC) appointed Natixis to develop an SDG alignment framework

The IDFC & Natixis CIB presented the results of the study

On Thursday February 16th, 2023

Natixis CIB's Green & Sustainable Hub accompanied the IDFC and its members in framing the notion of SDG alignment through a dedicated study and tailor-made advisory sessions.


The study frames the notion of SDG alignment from the perspective of public development banks (PDBs). It provides definitions, assessment methods and relevant tools for PDBs to measure and manage their contributions to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). 


As a result, it spells out a set of “SDG contribution principles” and “integration trackers” at entity and activity levels. It also proposes a practical and simplistic canvas designed to be used for diagnosis and strategy setting purposes as well as tools to guide the integration of SDGs in core operations, including strategic capital allocation.

This report is another milestone in expanding our SDG franchise. It is a transformation handbook rich of tools and tips. It guided us in the series of tailor-made advisory sessions we offered to IDFC members. Since 2018 and our study "Solving the Sustainable Development Rubik's cube" (available here), Natixis CIB Green & Sustainable Hub is developing a range of SDG-related advisory services and product structuration.

- Cédric Merle, Head of Center of Expertise & Innovation


For media inquiry, collaboration proposals, or advisory services

Cédric Merle

Head of Center of Expertise & Innovation,

 Green & Sustainable Hub, Natixis

Orith Azoulay

Global Head of Green & Sustainable Finance

Managing Director,


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