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You are on the Green & Sustainable Hub website, part of Natixis CIB.

Green & Sustainable Investment Solutions

Our Green & Sustainable solutions set-up

A cross-asset approach with an unique green & sustainable philosophy

In collaboration with Financial engineering teams, we engineer and structure a broad range of sustainable innovative investment solutions, including equities, fixed income and credit.

Oustanding Market & Client Recognition

The award applauds our commitment to the fight against global warning and our efforts to promote energy transition, and is also a clear demonstration of Natixis’ aim of becoming a key bank in the green and responsible finance space.

The award was specifically granted for the ‘Development des Territoires’ product, a product that combines a social bond dedicated to local economic development within France and a climate index.

At the SRP Awards Dinner, Natixis was awarded 3 awards for 2019 Best Proprietary Index Provider, Best Issuance Platform and Best Insurance Deal.

At the SRP 2020 Awards, Natixis was awarded 'Deal of the Year 2020' for its Green equity-linked (ECO5E) structured note.

With 10+ years of experience and €3 bn worth assets under management, Natixis has developed a wide range of indices to address the growing need for a differentiated approach to climate and ESG investment across various geographical regions.

€12 Bn


*as of November 2019


Primary Hubs

Paris, London, New York, Hong Kong 


Financial Engineers

dedicated to the design of indices and quantitative strategies

Climate Indices

We firmly believe that an investment approach based solely on carbon footprints is not beneficial for the climate. Rather a strategy aimed at addressing climate issues requiring exposure to high-stake sectors, as these sectors have the greatest potential for carbon savings.  For example, we created the NXS Climate Optimum Prospective index: a composite smart beta strategy of stocks selected for their climate holistic performance designed to be used as the underlying for index-linked products.

Our assessment of a company's climate performance

ESG Indices

Natixis has developed a range of responsible investment indices including the Protected Optimum World ESG Index designed for investors who seek to incorporate sustainability risks and opportunities in an optimized basket of global stocks.

Our value added

Thematic Indices

➤ Water index: Natixis’ water index embraces multifaceted water challenges and risks (i.e. resources), but also the preservation of marine ecosystems.

Our Framework

Natixis was awarded Investment Bank of the Year for Equity-linked Products, at the 2020 Banker Awards.

The award was specifically granted for the ‘Development des Territoires’ product, a product that combines a social bond dedicated to local economic development within France and a climate index. All of the proceeds from the social bond will finance local small businesses in economically and socially disadvantaged areas of metropolitan France, particularly those hit hard by the Covid-19 crisis, which is apt considering the product takes its name from the aim of reducing territorial inequalities. The climate index — Euronext Climate Objective Euro Decrement 5% — a strong performer among ESG indices, is focused on companies that address climate issues via their products and services or by reducing their carbon footprints.

The product is offered in partnership with insurer Groupama, with Natixis acting as issuer and the structured notes distributed by Groupama via Groupe Gan Vie life insurance policies.

Partnership with key index sponsors

Being part of Groupe BPCE, Natixis strongly shares its commitment in susitainable development through concrete expression in two different ways:

  • In the everyday life of its different companies (human resources, organization, logistics, purchasing, etc.)
  • In the course of its business activities as a banker: green and responsible growth and focus on the local, social and solidarity-based economy.


Natixis is aligned to Groupe BPCE’s Framework of Sustainable Development Bond Program which is comprised of three pillars:

Issuance Policy

Commitment to regular issuance of Green Bonds and Social Bonds in a variety of formats and currencies.


Based on external research and generally-accepted principles ensuring transparency and common understanding of concepts such as the Green Bond Principles and Social Bond Principles, EU Taxonomy, March 2018 Globalizing Capital for Sustainable Finance, Multilateral development organization guidance (SDGs, Paris Agreement), Climate Bonds Initiative, and Academic research


The governance of the Sustainable Development Bond Program will be overseen by a Sustainable Bonds Governance Committee “the Committee".

Groupe BPCE has developed three types of bonds programs; one Green Bond and two Social Bonds; that are issued under this Framework:

1. Green Bonds - Renewable Energy address environmental sustainability. Loans refinanced should constitute a positive contribution to reduction of climate change effect (CO2 emissions) or other environmental challenges (eg sustainable agriculture, biodiversity, waste, water) through clean energy production, energy savings, or other type of actions.

1B. Green Bonds - Green Buildings address environmental sustainability. Loans shoul be dedicated to the development of new buildings / acquisition of existing buildings and renovation or dedicated energy efficiency improvement of existing buildings

2A. Social Bonds - Human Development address social sustainability challenges through contributions to economic systems key to human development (education, healthcare, , social inclusion social housing) and that could potentially seek to benefit people who live and work in economically and/or socially disadvantaged areas or communities.

2B. Social Bonds - Local Economic Development support regional and community development and resilience through financing of small businesses, SMEs, local authorities and non-profi organizations that seek to benefit people who live and work in economically and/or socially disadvantaged areas or communities.